Miguel De La Cruz
Lector & ensamblador de historias
Reader & story assembler
Binge watching
Segura, firmó el documento. Le debe al encierro la cura de su adicción al tabaco. Trata de darse ánimos con su pérdida de peso, cada vez que se agita al caminar.
They seemed taken out of a postcard; an old couple walking with their arms tied. Assuming the role of a gentleman, the man helped his wife Barbara to keep the pace. The lady always had watery eyes; the years awarded her this martyrdom. She had green eyes but without light, they had withered like her body. A small hump protruded from her back. She remained vain, and her eyestrain combined with her tremors did not help.
PETA (Flash Fiction)
We must launch a campaign to raise awareness and help the pets of the illegal aliens, that after being deported will leave behind and unprotected. know a little more about you.
Graveyard-city (Haiku)
From here on this side, everything is white, full of desires. The connected dots are shaping my letters which are dwindling with the lines. From here, fiction is playing with the rules. Laws multiply and corrode all the events.
Nació en El Paso Texas, se considera un Chicano-Fronterizo. De La Cruz ha radicado en la frontera de EUA y México: Ciudad Juárez, El Paso, y Las Cruces Nuevo México.
He was born in El Paso Texas, De La Cruz labels himself as a Chicano-Fronterizo. De La Cruz has lived across the US-Mexico border: Ciudad Juarez, El Paso, and Las Cruces New Mexico.
Las Cruces, NM